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2016: new year, new start?

13 of my top 2015 reflections and lessons, as well as 2016 hopes...

2015 is drawing to an end. But instead of coming up with traditional resolutions, I thought I'd make a list of things I've learnt this year and hope to keep in mind in 2016.

  1. Not all endings are bad. As scary as they can be, endings are natural and not something to be avoided. They can lead you to new places that you could have never imagined.

  2. Never take your health for granted. It's easily done, but we all have to remember to so thankful for our health.

  3. Weight-loss doesn't equal happiness. I thought reaching a certain weight would hold some sort of magic, but it doesn't. What is great, is having more energy, being healthy and investing in your body.

  4. Progress (no matter how small) is always a good thing. Progress is still progress, you're still running rings around the person who didn't bother to try.

  5. Be grateful for your body. You would never talk to your best friend the way we talk about bodies. Appreciate that it is healthy, working and get you from A to B.

  6. You are stronger than you think. You never really know your own strength until you're put to the test. Don't ever underestimate yourself.

  7. You are the company you keep. So, choose your friends wisely.

  8. Never stop learning. Take that class, read that book, watch that documentary.

  9. It's ok to make mistakes. Mistakes help us learn and there are worse things that being wrong. We all need to improve in some way.

  10. Why not? Stop being a naysayer and starting taking chances and saying yes. Don't block yourself from experiences.

  11. Stop playing games. When it comes to all your relationships, but particularly with dating and try to stop over-thinking. Easier said than done, but definitely one to keep in mind.

  12. Family and friends are wealth. Having loved ones is to be emotionally rich. A great support group can help you weather bad storms.

  13. And finally, 2016 isn't going to be perfect, but it is going to be amazing because it holds so much promise and unknown adventures...

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